
Alchemy Options can be used as a plugin and can be included into the theme.

Using Alchemy Options as a plugin

  1. go to the Add New plugin page of your WordPress site

  2. click the Upload Plugin button which will bring you a file input

  3. choose the zip-file you've downloaded and press Install Now

  4. activate Alchemy Options

Installing via WP-CLI

You can install (and activate) Alchemy Options via WP-CLI, like so:

wp plugin install --activate

Using Alchemy Options in your theme

  1. manually download the zip file of the plugin

  2. unpack the archive

  3. add the alchemy-options folder to your theme

  4. add the following code at the top of your functions.php (without any hooks)

define( 'ALCHEMY_OPTIONS_THEME_MODE', '__return_true' );

// you may want to correct the path if it's not in the root of the theme
require_once( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/alchemy-options/alchemy-options.php' );

Note. Make sure you do not rename the alchemy-options folder, otherwise it's not going to work, since Alchemy Options files rely on this folder name.

Cannot redeclare Alchemy_Options\alch_run_plugin

If you see the Cannot redeclare Alchemy_Options\alch_run_plugin error, it means that Alchemy Options is already loaded. Make sure you do not load it in 2 places, as a plugin and as part of your theme.

The same error will be triggered if you try to activate it as a plugin having already loaded it as part of a theme.

After the installation you are ready to configure it in your theme. Sample configuration examples are also available.

Last updated