
Filter alch_allowed_editor_html_tags can be used to change the default HTML tags that are allowed in the Editor field, which uses the global $allowedposttags; as a default value.

Consider taking a look at [wordpress directory]/wp-includes/kses.php to see what $allowedposttags really is.

This filter is applied just before saving the value to the database.


Say we want our Editor fields to allow only <p> and <strong> tags which in their turn may only have the class attribute

function change_alchemy_options_editor_html_tags() {
    return array(
        'p' => array(
            'class' => true,
        'strong' => array(
             'class' => true,

add_filter( 'alch_allowed_editor_html_tags', 'change_alchemy_options_editor_html_tags' );

Or you can take the passed $tags argument and correct it to your needs. Say we don't want any attributes on h1 tags and leave the rest as defaults

function change_alchemy_options_editor_html_tags( $tags ) {
    $tags['h1'] = array(); // no attributes for the `h1` tag will be allowed

    // do not forget to pass them further
    return $tags;

add_filter( 'alch_allowed_editor_html_tags', 'change_alchemy_options_editor_html_tags' );

Last updated