
Function alch_get_post_meta allows you to get the saved meta value of a post.

For client-side use getPostMeta.


The function takes $postID, $metaID and optional $default as parameters. $metaID should match the id of some field in the Meta Boxes options array.

Return values

Return value can be of several types, depending on the type of the field.

NB: If the field is of editor type, the value will not be autop'ed, make sure you wrap it in wpautop yourself.


In the loop

if( have_posts() ) {
    while ( have_posts() ) {

        $postMeta = alch_get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'meta-id' );

Outside the loop

$postMeta = alch_get_post_meta( 42, 'meta-id' );

Default value

You can pass the default value as the 3rd argument.

$postMeta = alch_get_post_meta( 42, 'meta-id', 'Some default value' );

In this case $postMeta will always have a value.

Last updated